I'm trying to plan ahead as much as possible to ensure that all episodes are available to me by the dates I need them. The missing episodes are going to be the biggest challenge but I do already have some reconstructions of them and I'm hoping YouTube will fill in any blanks.
I've been "training" up by trying to watch an episode of Blackadder every day from the start which went well until I got to series 4 by which point I forgot one day and then things began to unravel. Hopefully this will prepare me better for the years ahead. Lol, can't believe I'm saying years, that's mental! But as I keep telling people, its only really 25 minutes out of my day so how hard can it be!
I'm still experimenting with how blogging works before the official experiment kicks off. Here is a picture of the TARDIS hopefully....
Woo hoo! I think that worked. How exciting.
In all honesty I think it very unlikely that I will get an episode in every day but that's the challenge for now. If I fall behind I will just have to catch up as soon as possible.