Friday, 3 January 2014

Day N/A - Time Crash

A multi-Doctor story for a new generation!

I had to think long and hard whether this episode counted as a proper day in my quest. I really wanted it to count as it's brilliant but really it is a mini episode and if I was to count this then there would be loads more mini episodes that also needed counting. My rule for these will be that I will still watch them when they come up but they will not get a day all to themselves.

So this is the Children In Need mini episode from 2007. Prior Children In Need episodes have been pretty poor (I'm looking squarely at you Dimensions In Time! *shudders*) but this is just fantastic. The tenth Doctor meets the fifth Doctor during a brief moment between the end of season 3 and the 2007 Christmas Special when their TARDISes collide. What the hell is the plural for TARDIS?... TARDI maybe?

Written by Steven Moffat, it's full of funny moments and nostalgic nods to the past. We get mentions of Nyssa, Tegan, Cybermen, the Mara and we even see the tenth Doctor rightfully taking the piss out of his former self for wearing a stick of celery on his lapel.

During the course of the episode the fifth Doctor has no idea who the tenth Doctor is until right near the end when the tenth Doctor saves the day by remembering what he saw himself do when he was the fifth Doctor...yes I'm going to have to say it, it's all very wibbly wobbly, timey wimey *sigh*.

What is also great about this episode is knowing that David Tennant was a massive Doctor Who fan when he was younger and that Peter Davison was the Doctor that he grew up watching. Therefore to now be in a multi-Doctor story with Davison must have been like a dream come true! This is also acknowledged when the Doctor's are parting at the end of the story. As the fifth Doctor fades away, the tenth Doctor tells him how he loved being that incarnation and that pretty much the "modern" Doctor came from his fifth incarnation when the Doctor was first played by a younger man.

Tenth Doctor: - "I loved being you. Back when I first started I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young.. and then I was you. And it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted, I still do that, the voice thing, I got that from you. Oh and the trainers and (putting on his "brainy specs") snap!....because you know what Doctor? were my Doctor..

That bit gets me every time, because its the tenth Doctor talking to the fifth Doctor, but it's also David Tennant acknowledging his childhood hero.

And if things weren't bad enough, David Tennant even went on to marry Peter Davison's daughter, so now when you watch the scene he's actually taking to his father in law!

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