Monday, 3 February 2014

Day 792 - Midnight

A very unusual and highly suspenseful episode.

It's unusual because by the end of it you are still not quite sure what's gone on. The Doctor meets an alien threat which is completely beyond his understanding and that's pretty terrifying!

The Doctor leaves Donna to relax in a spa whilst he takes a bus across the planet Midnight to visit the diamond waterfalls. The sunlight on Midnight is lethal to humans so the windows of the bus are all covered in order to avoid the deadly radiation. I assume when they get to the waterfalls the covers will be lifted temporarily to give the passangers a view.

Unfortunately the bus breaks down on route and when something starts knocking on the walls from the outside, the outside being completely uninhabitable, then the terror starts to mount. It's not long before this unknown force has penetrated the vehicle and one woman is left possessed but starts to repeat everything that everyone else says. This is a very "wordy" episode and it seems staggering that Lesley Sharp (who plays the possessed lady, Sky I think her name was) remembers all her lines. She pretty much has to learn everyone else's lines too as she is soon speaking at the same time as them!

I love this episode but it's so odd. The paranoia of it all gets to you as the other passengers debate whether they can throw Sky from the vehicle or not.

A superb cast of actors also for this one. Unlike other Doctor Who's where there's running about etc, this is simply a group of people trapped in a room so having great actors really matters. Colin Morgan who would go on to play Merlin stars in this episode as does David Troughton, the son of the second Doctor, Patrick Toiughton. Come to think about it I've only just realised that his series has two children from two Doctors starring in an episode with Peter Davisons daughter starring in an earlier episode. That's quite interesting. Well I think it is anyway.

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