Wednesday 27 March 2013

Days 488 to 491 - The Stones Of Blood


It's a funny time for my marathon. I'm desperately trying to keep up and catch up with this blog and at the same time I've had some success at gaining the notice of some local newspapers which will hopefully make people more aware of what I'm doing and (when they've stopped laughing) they may be willing to make a donation to help the charity and to spur me on! Also I have been campaigning on Twitter and got a kind retweet from Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon himself! Very exciting!)

Meanwhile the Doctor and Romana are still in search for the parts of the Key To Time. This time they are looking for the third segment which the Doctor (and presumably the guy in charge of the Doctor Who budget) is delighted to find that it is hiding on one of his favourite planets - Earth.

The story begins with the Doctor attempting to join the two parts of the Key To Time that they have already found. They are large glass blocks that fit together to form a cube. It makes me wonder why no one has thought of making one of these for merchandising purposes as they look pretty cool!

It doesn't take long for the Doctor to get into trouble of course. This time he is offered up for sacrifice by some demented druids. Tom Baker is great in these scenes, never looking too scared and delivering such great lines as "I hope that knife has been properly sterilised!"

Meanwhile the Stones Of Blood of the title make their appearance in the form of the Ogri. For what is essentially a large rock, these are actually pretty intimidating monsters. The way they glow and give on a spooky heartbeat creates a really creepy atmosphere. Their method of killing their prey is demonstrated in a scene where they come across a young couple on a camping holiday. Now, Ive been watching a lot of Friday The 13th movies recently so I'm pretty familiar with such scenes..except this time it's the guy that topless. No boob shots I'm afraid.

There's a worrying scene when it looks like K9 has gone to that great kennel in the sky but he is soon patched up and on the go again with his batteries running down left, right and centre at the most inconvenient of moments. No change there then!

The interesting thing I found about this story was that each episode seemed completely unlike the one that went before it. It starts with the mystery of the druids, moves on to the mystery of the stones, then on to the mystery of Vivien Faye (so many mysteries!) and then bizarrely ends with a court case on board a hyperspace ship..

Overall verdict: Pretty damn good! Although for some reason I would say I didn't quite enjoy it as much as I usually do.

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