The Doctor:- "It was on the planet Skaro that my old enemy, the Master, was finally put on trial. They say he listened calmly as his list of evil crimes was read and sentence passed. And then he made his last, and I thought somewhat curious, request. He demanded that I, the Doctor, a rival Time Lord, should take his remains back to our home planet, Gallifrey. It was a request they should never have granted...."
The first proper attempt to revive Doctor Who was in 1996 with this TV Movie which was intended to be a pilot to launch an American tv series.
Unlike the revival that was to come in 2005, this version was steeped in references to the past and therefore must have been a little confusing for most Americans who were watching the show for the very first time.
When the story starts we are still with the seventh Doctor as played by Sylvester McCoy who has been charged with the task of delivering the Masters dead remains back to Gallifrey after being killed off by the Daleks. We don't actually see the Daleks but we do hear them. They totally screw up the voices though and they sound more like Smurfs! Honestly it's bloody terrible.
The new opening titles and music are fantastic though and I'd have to say one of my favourite of all time.
The Master doesn't stay dead for long though as manages to break out of his box in the form of a snake (I don't know why either) and starts causing havoc with the TARDIS systems forcing it to make an emergency landing in San Francisco in the year 1999.
By now you would hope that the Doctor had learned to check his scanners before stepping out of his ship but unfortunately his failure to do so leads to him immediately being shot by a gang of thugs. This in itself would not be enough to kill him but due to his alien physiology the Doctor treating him (Grace Holloway) gets completely confused and ends up causing his death during the operation to save him.
The Doctor's ressurection in the hospital morgue is excellent and really atmospheric, intercut with one of the attendants watching a Frankenstein movie during the "it's alive!!" scene. Meanwhile the Master has slithered inside the mouth of the paramedic who drove the Doctor to the hospital and takes over his body.
The Doctor is suffering from serious amnesia but soon teams up with Grace and the stage is set for a showdown with the Master as the Doctor attempts to get the part he needs to repair the TARDIS before the Master can steal his body and destroy the Earth.
Paul McGann is brilliant as the Doctor and it's tragic that he only got the one television episode. He has starred in many audio adventures though so has at least had the chance to develop his Doctor further. His costume is very much in the style of the Edwardian era as warn by the first Doctors. Apparantly McGann wasn't a fan of this and especially not a fan of the wig he was forced to wear to cover up his short hair.
Eric Roberts as the Master is...interesting. His final meeting with the Doctor when he has dressed up in his Time Lord robes is so ridiculously camp that you can't help but love it. There are some moments when he goes a little over the top but for the most part I think he gives a good performance.
Grace is an excellent companion. She is clearly intelligent which I have always thought works better than when the Doctor is given a stupid companion who is clearly only there to ask the required questions. I also like the journey she goes on throughout the story and the fact that she is a very different person for meeting the Doctor by the end of the adventure. She's also the first companion that the Doctor full on snogs!!
The new TARDIS is just beautiful and it definitely seems to be the biggest interior they have done ever.
Now we come to my grumble....the Doctor claims to be half human. And the Master confirms this. No!!!!!!! I just felt a great disturbance in the force as millions of fans cried out in rage. This has become another one of those moments that you just have to stick your fingers in you ears and go "lalalalalalala" for. Apparently if this had gone to a full series then we would have found out that the Doctor'smother was a human and the Master was his brother. Thank God that never happened,
I really enjoyed watching this again. It had been a long time since I had seen it but I have fond memories of it as I watched this when it first came out in 96. I fell in love with the show then and it was just a shame that it took another 9 years for me to get my next fix!