Friday, 18 October 2013

Back to the 60s once again!

As if the chronology of this blog wasn't confusing enough, I find myself in a situation where I once again have to re-visit the prior days of the challenge. Days which have already been blogged about but given the recent events I now need to return to. Think of it like in Back To The Future Part 2 when Marty McFly travels back in time and once again witnesses some of the events from the first film but this time from a different's sort of like that.

In this blog entry I will be travelling way back to days 186 to 191 of my challenge in May 2012. It seems such a long time ago now. During these days I was watching the second Doctor story, The Enemy Of The World, a six part story with all but episode three missing from the BBC archives. To watch the other five episodes I had no alternative but to watch reconstructions of the missing scenes with the original audio and track accompanied by various visual imagery such as the few existing pictures etc.

Well the reason I bring this all up again is that over the last week I have seen for the first time the actual episodes themselves!! Found in Nigeria and returned to the BBC, they were available for download on ITunes earlier this month! Therefore I thought the story needed reappraisal

I can't really remember what I said about this story when I first blogged about it and I purposefully don't want to go back to see what I put as I don't want to colour my opinion of the episodes by reading what I made of it originally..does that make any senses at all??

Anyway the basic plot is that the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria land on Earth around the year 2015 (the near future now but the distant future when this story was first broadcast!) to find a man called Salamader on the verge of becoming dictator of the entire world. The twist being that Salamader is a dead ringer for the Doctor!

There were just so many moments in this story that were lost when watching only the reconstruction of it. The first episode alone includes a hovercraft chasing a helicopter! It's also great to see Patrick Troughton's duel performance as both the Doctor and Salamander. I haven't seen Patrick Troughton in anything other than Doctor Who (apart from the moment he is stabbed through the chest by a church spire in The Omen!) and this was a real joy to see him playing a completely different character.

The moment the two characters come face to face, which doesn't happen until right near the end of the story is pretty cool too. 

It just seems typical that as I'm nearly at the point of watching every single Doctor Who episode that exists, they go and find more of them! 

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