Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Days 685 to 688 - The Greatest Show In The Galaxy


It seems that things are destined to get worse before I finish this latest stint of my challenge. Good grief this one was awful! I wonder if the title was supposed to be ironic..

The Doctor and Ace visit a circus. The seventh Doctor is proving to be a bit of a bastard at times as he is taking Ace here even though he knows full well that she has a fear of clowns.

From what I gather (my attention drifted considerably whilst watching this) some aliens have taken over the circus and are capturing the people who come to visit and then forcing them to become one of the acts. As soon as they find them not entertaining enough then they are killed. If this story itself was one of the acts then I would have killed them off before the end of episode one!

At the time this story was made they had found asbestos in the studio that was needed and therefore instead of abandoning production, the decision was made to move it all and film it in a big tent so I guess it was fortunate that the story revolved around a circus.

So I have now completed the 25th season of Doctor Who and there is only one more season to go before the axe was swung in 1989. Time for one final set of adventures with the seventh Doctor...


  1. Good grief, I bet getting through the McCoy years is the hardest part of the challenge.

    1. I'm becoming more and more nostalgic for the old black and white days when the stories barely existed! I think McCoy is a good Doctor but some of the stories are terrible!
