Thursday 2 May 2013

Days 522 to 525 - The Horns Of Nimon

"Weakling scum!!!!!"... Sorry I had to get that out of my system straight away. It's a phrase that is used quite a lot during the first couple of episodes of this story. It is said by the Skonnan co-pilot of the vessel being used to transport the kidnapped children from Aneth who are being offered as sacrifices to the Nimon. Sorry for the info dump there. The insult comes so out of the blue sometimes that I think the poor co-pilot may have an undiagnosed case of Tourettes.

And I say children, but most of them are young adults. Which is an important distinction that I must make straight away. The one I "liked" was 21 at the time of filming (yes I researched it!) so I'm not being a pervert!

The Nimon are an interesting looking creature who I believe are based on the Minotaurs of legend. They're pretty crappy looking but all the same I think they'd make a cool. action figure. I heard a rumour that they ares struggling to create action figures of the Nimon as the heads make them too top heavy to stand up properly.

For those of you who have only seen the new series, the Nimon are meant to be a relation to the creature seen in the eleventh Doctor story, The God Complex. You see, your missing out on all these little back references by not having an encyclopedic knowledge of 50 years of Doctor Who!

I ended up quite enjoying this story. It was fairly simple which I think came as something of a relief. Especially after some of the stories I've been watching recently.

The character of Soldeed is a little over the top but it didn't bother me too much. At least he made what could be a boring story into something quite well as the rather lovely looking Anethian mentioned earlier.

This could be technically classified as the final story of season 17. The next story, Shada, was never completed due to strikes at the BBC. However it has now been released on DVD (at least the surviving footage has) with linking narration by Tom Baker for the missing parts so it deserves it's place in the quest! The legendary lost story...I'm very excited..

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