Wednesday 29 May 2013

Days 547 to 551 - Warriors' Gate

Well what a pile of crap! Just absolutely bloody awful!!

This is probably going to be one of the most negative reviews I’ve done. I hate this story. As with most Doctor Who there are some shining moments but these are very few and far between.

The TARDIS lands in the border between E-Space and our own universe, a white void with only three features, a stranded spacecraft, a mysterious gateway and the TARDIS itself. It just all looks so dull and literally featureless.

The stranded spacecraft is using an alien race called the Tharil to navigate their ship due to the Tharils having a time sensitive nature or some bollocks! The Tharils look like lions...really shit looking lions.

The main Tharil, Biroc, speaks to the Doctor and gives him a warning. This leads to quite a good line when Romana questions why they should believe Biroc to which the Doctor replies “Because he was running”. This line sounded quite familiar to me and I’m wondering whether it has been repeated in the new series. What writer in their right mind would make a call back to Warriors’ Gate!!

This story also marks the departure of Romana and K9 from the series. I was sad to see Romana go but K9 long outstayed his welcome! It’s a pretty poor departure for them too with Romana deciding out of the blue to stay in E-Space in order to help free the Tharils and the Doctor giving her K9. It seems to be a running theme that every companion who leaves the fourth Doctor gets their own K9. Leela got one, Romana got one. The only female companion who didn’t get her own K9 was Sarah Jane. But she soon would!

In about a week’s time I’ll be doing the unthinkable. There will be one day when I don’t watch an episode Doctor Who! It will be the first time in 560 days! However this does not spell failure for my quest...there’s a little teaser to all those people who aren’t reading this blog and therefore won’t give a toss either way!

This has been quite a negative blog entry I’m afraid. Maybe it’s because the time of the fourth Doctor is reaching its end...or maybe it’s because Warriors’ Gate is utter crap! I suspect it’s the latter.

On a more positive note, I've passed the 550 day mark! Yay me! Every 50 days feels like a pretty good achievement now. Tom Baker is a fantastic Doctor but it's getting increasingly tough to sit through some of his stories. The beauty of Doctor Who is the way it renews itself every so often, the main way it does this being the regeneration of the Doctor. As such I'm longing to see the appearance of the fifth Doctor now to freshen things up a little. Not long to go..

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