Friday 24 May 2013

Days 544 to 547 - State Of Decay

This blog was possibly a mistake; I’m finding it harder to think of what to say. The original idea was to keep track of my progress by including details of where I watched the episodes and any notable events but I’m finding myself more and more just detailing what happened in the episodes. Hopefully, as with the quest itself, this is just a dark period for the blog and inspiration will soon strike as to what to do to make the blog more exciting.

Still trapped in E-Space, the Doctor, Romana and a stowed away Adric have an adventure with an ancient vampire. We don’t actually see the true vampire here, apart from his hand as he tries to break out from underground but the scenes in his lair where we hear his heart beat are really creepy, helped out with some lovely sombre music. Season 18 is feeling so much more like a different show than some of the other seasons have. I just wish that they’d get rid of those bloody question marks!

Adric demonstrates a trait that will pop up frequently, which is his seeming willingness to join the side of the bad guys. Adric seems a little naive and likes the fact that the “Three-Who-Rule” are offering him immortality. In this case he does seem to be just bluffing but I’m not to sure how much I would trust him.

One of the better aspects of this story was some of the history we learnt of the Time Lords. We hear all about an ancient battle between the Time Lords and the Vampires which ended when the final king vampire mysteriously disappeared (to E-Space apparently). The Time Lord versus Vampire war sounds epic and is a nice precursor to the events of the Time War that are still a long way away

It’s been a long time since I saw this one but obviously some of it has stuck with me as when the Doctor was stating that it was difficult for the TARDIS to make “short hops” I found myself thinking that surely given the smaller size of E-Space that the smaller hops would be more comparatively large and therefore easier. A few minutes later, K9 goes on to explain that exact point. Who needs a tin dog when you have me around!

A bit of a middle of the road story, not as good as Full Circle although sharing some of the same themes, i.e. a crashed ship that has been stranded for generations, twists regarding the origins of the main characters etc. Now I’ve just got Warriors Gate to look forward to as the final chapter of what is loosely known as the E-Space Trilogy. God help me! This next one is a tough one. I know I won’t enjoy it, I’ll just settle on understanding what the hell is happening!

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