Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Day 862 - A Good Man Goes To War

The Doctor:-
"I want you to tell your men to run away. Those words, I want you to be famous for those exact words. I want people to call you Colonel Runaway, I want children laughing outside your house because they found the home of Colonel Runaway. And when people come to you and ask if getting to me through the people I love is in anyway a good idea..then I want you to tell them your name."

I love that scene! The Doctor starts off like he's having a bit of a joke and by the end he is screaming with rage and anger. Do not piss the Doctor off!

So Amy has given birth to her baby and named her Melody Pond. In order to rescue her the Doctor pulls together a team of allies, including the Silurian, Madame Vastra (with her "very close" human companion, Jenny) and Sontaran, Strax. These three characters will go on to appear in many future episodes and they are fantastically realised in their debut episode. I particularly like Strax who has been forced to work as a nurse as punishment for his crimes. The ultimate humiliation for a Sontaran!

The only ally who fails to heed the Doctor's call is River Song. She explains to Rory that she cannot interfere as this is the day the Doctor finally finds out who she is. Exciting!

Madame Kovarian steals Amy's baby in order to bring her up and train her into being the ultimate weopon against the Doctor. Melody is part Time Lord, having been conceived on the TARDIS whilst it was in flight through the time vortex. I love the Doctor's dawning comprehension as he puts together the date the baby "began" by explaining that Rory wasn't there to begin with, then he was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic meaning that the first night they were in the TARDIS together..was on their wedding night.

The final revelation comes when all seems lost. Melody has been kidnapped and they have no idea where to start looking for her. River finally turns up to meet the Doctor's rage at her for not being there to help. The truth is that the Doctor has made everyone so afraid of him that it was only a matter of time that some thing like this happened. River even suggests that we get the word "doctor" from him. We developed to know that as a term for someone who will help. Similarly the soldiers in this story interpret the word "doctor" as meaning a mighty warrior. 

The truth about River is revealed when Amy looks down at the cloth patch that has been sown for her baby with the baby's name printed on it. The young girl who made it comes from the gamma forests so the name "Melody Pond" is written in her language. The TARDIS translation slowly works on it until Amy can read it. The people of the gamma forests do not have name for pond as the only water in the forests is the River, so instead the patch says "River Song". River is the daughter of Amy and Rory. OMG! 

The final thing I have to mention about the episode is the very end. This episode saw the season into a mid season break but a caption tells us that "The Doctor will return in....Let's Kill Hitler" What a title! 

So that's the end of Doctor Who for a little while. Tomorrow will see me making a start on the final season of Torchwood called Miracle Day. It's a season I have only seen once before so I, quite looking forward to revisiting it.

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