Monday, 7 April 2014

Days 860 to 861 - The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People

Well I failed again. Not in my challenge (that would be terrible beyond words!) but in my attempt to keep track of just what is going in in this story. 

The Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive on an island where a group of humans are mining acid. Can you mine acid? Well they are gathering acid anyway. Now this is obviously a pretty dangerous job but luckily for them they use the Flesh which imitates their body and is controlled by them whilst hooked up to a machine. The Gangers (as the flesh kind are called) are an exact replica of the humans but with no life of their own beyond the controls being fed to them by the humans. After a solar tsunami hits the island, the Gangers become their own separate entities and it's not long before the humans are turning against these Gangers who share the same thoughts and emotions as them.

It's not a bad two part story but my problem with it is keeping track of who is human and who is a Ganger. I swear I've watched this about 5 times and I still get confused. Hopefully that confusion is an intentional part of the story and is not just bad direction. 

After the Flesh scans the Doctor we soon have two of him wandering around too! As the Ganger gets used to holding the mind of a Time Lord we get a great moment where he thrusts his hand forward and Tom Baker's voice comes out of his mouth asking if anyone would like a jelly baby. The first time I saw it I nearly fell off the sofa in excitement.

At the end of the story, in a great little twist, it turns out that the Amy that has been travelling with the Doctor for this season is in fact a Ganger too. The real Amy has been kidnapped and hooked up to a machine to control her Ganger duplicate. Several times in this season so far she has witnesses a woman with an eye patch sliding open panels in the wall and staring at her. This is the real world bleeding through as she discovers when the real Amy wakes up in some kind of chamber to see the eyepatch lady looking at her. As if that wasn't enough to shock her system, the real Amy is pregnant and about to give birth!

A short review this one I'm afraid. Been a pretty stressful few days but I need to keep up with the blog so getting this one out there sooner rather than later. Maybe one day I'll come back and revisit these entries where I don't feel like I've said enough....I probably won't but it's nice to think I will!

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