Thursday, 24 April 2014

Days 879 to 883 - The Sarah Jane Adventures (Season 5)

This is quite a sad day for my quest as the final episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures are now behind me. The fact that a television show has finished is not something to be overly upset by in of itself but the reasons behind the ending of this series are tragic to say the least.

Back in 2011 the news broke that Elizabeth Sladen had passed away at the age of 63. This news was so shocking as there had been no indication at all that she was ill. A few months prior to this, Nicholas Courtney had also died, but he was an old man so the news, although sad, was no where near as shocking. 

With the passing of its main star mid production then instead of the usual 6 stories, we instead have just three to talk about.

The first story introduces a new member of the team in the form of alien child, Sky, who Sarah Jane soon decides to adopt as her daughter. I'm not sure what the eventual intention was to do with her character or is she was simply a replacement for Luke but I have to say she's actually a really nice character so it's a shame we didn't get to see what was planned for her.

The second story has to be one of the most hard hitting stories that the series had attempted. When Cyde is cursed by a totem pole he finds all his friends and family turning against him until he is forced to live out on the street. I would imagine this was in someway intended to educate children about homelessness and it's actually quite upsetting. Clyde and his mum have a really good relationship so when she suddenly turns on him and kicks him out of the house it's pretty horrible to see. It must have affected me quite badly anyway as it actually gave me nightmares where all my family turned against me! 

The final story revolves around the release of the latest computer tablet and it's charming and persuasive designer. The tablet turns out to be a load of crap and the designer is actually a hologram programmed to hypnotise people into buying it. I guess it wouldn't be The Sarah Jane Adventures without one last bout of hypnotism! Saying that the story is actually pretty good and funny in places and I loved the scene where Sarah Jane is trying to subtlety expose the hologram by asking him to shake hands or pick up her pen etc.

So that's it. No more Sarah Jane, no more Torchwood. From here on its Doctor Who all the way to the finish line. Just one last thing to say on this blog entry and that's....

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