Friday 12 July 2013

Days 583 to 586 - Time-Flight

I was still reeling from the loss of my dear Adric when I began this one. Indeed Tegan asks the Doctor a question that should have occurred to me at the end of Earthshock. The Doctor has a time machine, therefore surely he can go back in time and rescue Adric from the freightor before it crashes into the Earth. The Doctor is visibly upset at being asked to do this and explains that it is impossible and there are some things the TARDIS cannot do, some time can cannot be rewritten...well either that or he's glad to see the back of the snotty little shit!

So in the latest series of Doctor Who, the eleventh Doctor tells his companion, Clara, that he once spent ages getting a gobby Australian to Heathrow airport. Well, Tegan is that gobby Australian and this is the story where she finally reaches her destination of Heathrow airport! As an air stewardess on her way to her first job she has certainly taken the scenic route to the airport!

Of course things can't be as simple as that and the Doctor arrives just in time to hear about the disappearance of a Concorde that was on it's approach to Heathrow. Recreating the exact circumastances with another Concorde, and with the TARDIS on board the Doctor discovers that they have been thrown into a time corridor which has sent them back in time to prehistoric Earth. Look out for Adric's intestines Doctor! I'm sure they must be splattered around the place somewhere!

Sitting at the heart of this time tunnel that has pulled both Concordes and the TARDIS back in time is a mysterious character who is only slightly annoying and spends the first two episodes talking gibberish and chanting. After an explosion from his machinery the character removes his mask to reveal he was the Master all the time. Now this leads me to one of my quibbles with this story. Why? Why would the Master wear a diguise and talk strangely when for pretty much all the time there is no one around to see him anyway! It makes no sense whatsoever!

Our pseudo companions for this story are the flight crew of the second Concorde headed up by the brilliant Captain Stapley. He's just brilliant the way he adapts quickly to his new surroundings and his respect for the Doctor is clear from the outset. He even manages to sort of pilot the TARDIS in one of the episodes. What a guy!

So to skip to the end of what is a pretty dull story, the Doctor traps the Master somewhere (I can't remember where and quite frankly it doesn't really matter as he's bound to escape anyway!) and gets everyone else safely back to Heathrow. As Tegan goes for a wander round, Nyssa and the Doctor depart in the TARDIS believing that Tegan now has her wish and will be glad to be eventually at Heathrow. Of couse, a woman's mind is never that simple and she arrives back in time to see the TARDIS depart revealing that she actually wanted to keep travelling in the TARDIS. Oh well, bye bye Tegan!

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