Wednesday 17 July 2013

The plan for the end.."from Gallifrey to Trenzalore"

Well I am now just over two thirds of my way through "the quest" and less than a year to go until the end and as such I have been putting some thought into what I should do to celebrate the completion of the challenge.

Now bear with me because I'm trying to justify myself on something here...

I always knew that the challenge would reach it's end sometime around May 2014 when I finally ran out of episodes to watch. It turns out that this has been pretty well timed. Currently we have the 50th anniversary episode which will be broadcast on 23/11/2013 and then the Christmas special being broadcast (surprisingly!) on 25/12/2013 which will see Matt Smith bow out of the series. The next season then won't start until sometime in Autumn 2014 by which time the challenge will be over. This means that my final episode, being watched in May 2014 will be the Christmas special from this year which is actually pretty awesome as I'll be ending on a regeneration story and so it will feel like a proper end to the challenge!

As things currently stand, that would have taken me to 904 days and an end point of 14th May 2014 which is a Wednesday! I wasn't happy about this as ideally I would prefer that the challenge ended on a Saturday allowing for a celebration party with friends (yes, I have friends believe it or not!!) on the last day. With this is mind I set myself the further challenge of trying to either extend or reduce the challenge to get it to end on a Saturday WITHOUT feeling like I cheated! So this is what I did:

First of all I thought it would make sense to REDUCE the challenge length to the previous Saturday meaning I would end on Day 900 exactly! I thought this was pretty awesome. The reason I am explaining all this is so that the people who have sponsored my challenge will hopefully agree I've not cheated! To remove 4 days from my challenge was actually quite simple. First of all, an upcoming story called Resurrection Of The Daleks is included as a 4 part story on the DVD but was actually broadcast as 2 long episodes. By watching the story as broadcast then that was 2 days knocked off straight away. This next bit is the sort of "cheaty" bit...

The Sarah Jane Adventures spin off are made up of 2 part stories. Therefore for the first and last story of this series I will watch both episodes of that story on the same day, knocking the other days off. This feels a little bit like cheating but I think I can get away with it as it's the spin off rather than the main show and they are all 2 part stories.

So there we go, the last day of my challenge will be Day 900 which is Saturday 10th May 2014! Hopefully people will join me for a celebration. For those people who don't like Doctor Who (you crazy fools!) then don't worry, it will most likely be kept to a minimum. I think it would be cool if we watched the very first episode from Day 1 of my challenge followed by the final episode on Day 900. That will most likely add up to about an hour and a half of Doctor Who. Then my journey will be complete...from Gallifrey to Trenzalore.

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