Monday 15 July 2013

Days 587 to 590 - Arc Of Infinity

Omega is back! And he looks nothing like he did in The Three Doctor, he looks like crap! Oh well..

This is season 20. Another big year and one which see the return of this "iconic" villain who was last seen 10 years previously.

I must say I enjoyed this story more this time around than I usually do. In the past I have found the plot difficult to grasp but I think I finally understand it now. It's not even that complicated really.

Basically Omega is once again trying to emerge into our universe to escape his isolation in the universe of antimatter. To escape he is using the help of a rebel Time Lord who has given Omega access to the Doctor's bio data allowing him to merge with the Doctor's body. Knowing the danger of this anti matter creature emerging into our own universe the Time Lords will stop at nothing to prevent it, which unfortunately means the execution of the Doctor to prevent the transfer from being completed.

As well as the return of Omega, we get another return for the show, this one from not so long ago. It's Tegan! She's back! Having quit her job she accidentally stumbles back into the Doctor's world when she goes to visit her cousin in Amsterdam who unfortunately has become one of Omega's first victims. Tegan's family really do come off badly from her association with the Doctor. First her aunt is miniaturised by the Master and now her cousin has been hypnotised and is being forced to work as a slave for Omega!

As mentioned above we get some scenes filmed outside of the UK for the first time in a while, this time in Amsterdam. It's nice to see some action outside of the UK but at the same time it doesn't really seem to work as well as it did in City Of Death. The location work in Amsterdam feels a little tacked on and there doesn't seem to be any real reason as to why the story should be set there. Part four of the story is pretty much one long chase scene as the Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan chase Omega through the streets of Amsterdam. The chase seems to go on for ages and it's clearly just the production team trying to make the most out of the fact that they are filming overseas.

For the first three parts of the story, the majority of the action takes place on Gallifrey where we meet some familiar Time Lords again. Borusa is back, this time played by yet another actor. This "regeneration" is acknowledged on screen but I can't help but wonder how accident prone Borusa must be to be getting through so many bodies!

The head of the Time Lord security, Commander Maxil is played by yet another familiar face, but this one is a face from the future of the show. It's Colin Baker, the sixth Doctor himself! In the scene where he captures and shoots the Doctor, I like to think it's Colin already after Peter Davison's job!

Finally I have to say my very favourite part of this story happens right at the very end as Tegan reveals the news that she is free to rejoin the Doctor on his travels. We see the Doctor give an uneasy smile which slowly slips away just as the closing credit roll. I'm sorry Doctor. The gobby Australian is back and this time it seems like she is here to stay!

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