Thursday 22 August 2013

Days 402 to 405 - Zygons, torn tapes and dodgy dealings!

Yet another problem faced me here, the fourth Doctor story, Terror Of The Zygons!

Despite the popularity of this one it still has yet to be released on DVD. In fact I think it has been purposefully held back to be one of the last stories that is released in the DVD range. However I was optimistic that this wouldn't be a big issue as my mate Matt had a copy on VHS that he kindly lent me. In fact I was quite looking forward to watching a story on an old VHS player!

I borrowed the tape a couple of weeks before it was needed. Taking it out of the box I noticed that it needed rewinding. How quaint! You don't get that with DVDs. I thought I'd better give the tape a try so I popped it into the machine and after a few clicks and whirrs the tape ejected itself. I thought this was strange but pushed the tape back in only to face the same result. Puzzled, I pulled the tape out and was horrified to feel resistance. I could barely bring myself to look but I'm afraid to say that my worst fears were confirmed. The tape was completely fucked! That's a technical term!

I tried to salvage the tape but I'm afraid to say it now looked like this:

Again I felt like I had had a near miss. What would have happened if I hadn't tested the tape and instead just tried it on the day that I actually needed it?!

Contingency plans were immediately put into place. I immediately ordered another VHS copy from amazon. It wasn't overly cheap but at the very least at least I could give Matt an unscrewed up tape back!

Stuart at work said that he should be able to get me a copy and he was true to his word, providing me with a copy on a memory stick.

The copy I ended up watching, as it was DVD copy and therefore easiest to use, was provided by my mate Tony who has helped me with some DVDs in the past. Tony was training at the time for a fight (he's a crazy person who fights in a cage which makes my Doctor Who hobby seem perfectly sane in comparison!) so I agreed to meet him at our old high school where the training was taking place. Suffering from my usual worry of being late I inevitably arrived about 10 minutes early and spent the time walking around the abandoned school grounds getting some strange looks from the few people who were there. This suspicious activity was further exacerbated when Tony arrived and approached me in the corner of the yard, reaching inside his bag he had all his stuff in for training. I've never been involved in a drug exchange (I'm a good boy!) but I imagine it is something like this. I found myself wondering how I would feel if someone confronted us and demanded to know what we were doing. My coolness points would plummet if instead of seeing me holding a bag of Cocaine I was found holding a copy of Terror Of The Zygons! I know which one I would prefer...Cocaine tickles my nose..That's a lie, I've never tried any. Although I did once put pepper up my nose to see if it really made you sneeze and the answer was yes. Yes it does.

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