Thursday 1 August 2013

Days 607 to 608 - The King's Demons

It's nice when a two part story comes along. Some stories suffer from being padded out to fill the required number of episodes (usually four) so to have a two part story come along means its very unlikely that this will be an would think.

I don't know if anyone was fooled back when this story was first broadcast but did they really think that no one would recognise the Master if he put a ginger wig on and spoke in a French accent?? Maybe I'm more familiar with Anthony Ainley than the public were at the time as I've seen all his future stories but it just seems blatantly obvious that it's him! And his French accent is terrible! Still, at least his diguise here is not as bad as the one from Time Flight and there is at least a reason for him to be in disguise this time too as there are other people around who he is trying to hide from as opposed to Time Flight when there was no one to even see him so why the hell did he need to be in disguise??? Sorry, it still annoys me as it defies all logic.

This time the Master's plan is to prevent King John from signing Magna Carta. My history is very poor but luckily my brother was on hand to explain to be what Magna Carta means. He pretents he's not watching these stories but he pipes up with the odd comment every now and again so I think he is secretly enjoying them. Of course he would never admit to this!

In order to acheive his aims the Master is using the shape shifting robot known as Kamelion pictured above. Kamelion is eventually rescued by the Doctor and joins the TARDIS crew, where he mysterioysly disappears from the series for a considerable amount of time. Kamelion was brought on board by the production team as new companion for the Doctor, in a similar style to K9. Whilst Kamelion seems to be a fairly impressive prop he proved to be even more impractical than the ever unreliable K9 and as such was swiftly forgotten until they decided to bring him back for one more story near the end of Peter Davison's time as the Doctor.

I've never really like The King's Demons. Even as a two parter it just seems to be a bit dull. It may not help that whilst watching it my mind kept wandering to the excitement of what story was coming the next day - the 20th anniversay special, The Five Doctors!!

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