Monday 5 August 2013

Ice Cream, Daleks and a NEW DOCTOR

Sunday was a bit too much excitement for me!

Snugburys have a new straw structure in the shape of a giant Dalek so that was a must visit situation! It's been years since I went to Snugburys which seems crazy because I really like their ice cream!

Me and a few good friends, Leanne, Fred, Sally and Andy went for a trip out there Sunday afternoon. Oh and Tom was there too. Sorry Tom! Looove you! Meh, who cares he won't read this!

The queue for the ice cream was quite large so we headed towards the Dalek first. Basically I needed to see the Dalek immediately so people were dragged along with me. What a sight! And it moves and speaks which is something I wasn't expecting! Tom's dog, Archie, literally shit himself with fear...well he had a crap anyway, I guess his proximity to the Dalek during such crapping could have been coincidence.

Check out me and Fred trying to look scared. I think Fred pulls it off quite well but you can sort of tell that I'm not to happy with Leanne making me do this! :-) It came out good though so was worth it. Wish I'd brought my scarf though!!

Then we headed over for some ice cream. I had strawberry cheesecake and death by chocolate. I was tempted by the special Dalek-triple scoop ice cream but I knew that as soon as I tried to eat it I would inevitably drop it all down myself and there would be tears so I thought it wasn't worth the risk.

It was a bit of a wet and windy day but still fun and may have to revisit soon, there is a hell of a lot of choice of ice cream there and I haven't even begun to sample it all.

Then it was back home for the big announcement of the next Doctor, live on BBC1. Honestly when the moment came I was so excited I thought I was going to pass out. After the casting of Matt Smith I really expected it to be someone I was completely unfamiliar with. So when the new Doctor stepped forward I was shocked and completely thrilled. Peter Capaldi!

What an amazing choice! One of the oldest actors ever cast being just a few months older than William Hartnell. I can't wait to see what he does with the part. And the regeneration into his version of the Doctor will be the last episode I watch in the challenge which is kind of sad. I re-watched some clips of The Thick Of It on YouYube after the announcement where he plays a very different sort of character with the filthiest language!! I couldn't help but smile thinking "I'm going to have an action figure of this guy!"

This show is now 50 years old but still has the ability to excite and be "renewed" with each new Doctor. Here's to the next 50 years!!

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