Tuesday 10 September 2013

Days 643 to 644 - Timelash

I was pretty busy with various things when it came time to watch Timelash. I had a great day out at my friends Laura and Rob's house where we played games and caught up with each other having not seen each other for a while. Of course I made sure to watch the episode before I went out. Otherwise I would not have enjoyed myself as much as it would have been lingering in the back of my mind!

Usually, even at a weekend when I'm free all day, I don't watch the episode until evening time unless I really have to. I'm not sure why but it just feels right somehow. Doctor Who needs to be watched around 7pm.

Timelash has a fairly bad reputation and I agree it's not great but as is so often the case when I come to these "bad" stories I actually found myself enjoying it! I think the makeup on the Borad pictured above is superb! A man who has accidentally been blended with a monster! It's a shame some of the other effects are a bit ropey!

The Doctor picks up a temporary companion in the form of Herbert, a man from the 19th century, who is very enthusiastic to discover all the secrets of the Doctor's time machine. Now maybe I'm a bit thick but the first time I watched this it came as a genuine surprise to me at the end when Herbert turn out to be HG Wells. The clues were everywhere but I just didn't pick up on them!

Something that does really annoy me in this one though is the end. The Doctor has to sacrifice himself by steering the TARDIS in front of a missile which is about to strike the planet. We see them collide and explode and its actually quite touching and sad. Then the TARDIS rematerialises on the planet and when Peri enquires how the Doctor escaped all he says is "I'll explain one day, it's a neat trick" and that is literally the only explanation we get! What the hell!!!!

Also there is a weird blue faced robot which I find unnerving!

The Doctor mentions that he has visited this planet before and it's not until we see a portrait of him that we realise that this was as his third persona and with Jo Grant. This story was never actually seen on screen but it's great to hear (much later down the line) Jo Grant reference the adventure when she returns in the Sarah Jane Adventures.

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