Wednesday 18 September 2013

Days 661 to 664 - Time and The Rani

A new Doctor! I really do feel like I'm flying through the regenerations now!

Having been unceremoniously removed from the show Colin Baker was understandably a little peeved off and as such refused to come back to the show for his regeneration scene. Therefore we are left with a bizarre per credits sequence where we see the TARDIS being shot at and crash landing on a planet. Then we see the Doctor (still in his multi coloured coat so clearly still in his sixth persona) has fallen of his exercise bike that Mel had no doubt forced him to work out on again and is lying face down on the floor. As the Rani enters the TARDIS the Doctor is flipped over and his face quickly changes into that of Sylvester McCoy. In fact it was Sylvester McCoy all along, lying on the floor in a curly blonde wig pretending to be Colin Baker. It's all very strange.

So the Rani is back (you would never have guessed from the title) and this time she is up to ...well...I'm  not quite sure what she is up to this time. Despite all the shit she gave the Master in her previous story for having complicated schemes it does seem very much a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Let me see if I can explain this...

In her lab on Lakertya, the Rani is planning on firing a missile at an orbiting asteroid which is made up of the very dense "strange matter". The resulting explosion will attract chronons (time particles??) into the atmosphere of the planet and then...she will have mastery over all of time and become a god..or something. But her main problem is that she does not have the knowledge of how to construct a rocket capable of destroying the asteroid so she has gathered together a group of genius (including such people as Albert Einstein) and plugged them into a kind of giant brain thing. This is where she needs to stick the Doctor too. However something else goes wrong in her lab and taking advantage of the Doctor's vulnerable post regenerative state and the resulting amnesia she dresses up as Mel and pretends to be Mel in order to convince the Doctor that this is his lab so that he will fix what needs fixing....what a load of crap!

To be fair though Kate O Mara does a fairly good Bonnie Langford impression and the scenes whee she is required to skip back and for the between acting as Mell and being herself as the Rani are pretty funny.

As for the Doctor himself...well it's early days. He seems to have developed this really annoying habit of getting well known sayings wrong such as "time waits for snowman" instead of "time waits for no man"

There are a fair few seventh Doctor stories that I have never seen before so its going to be an interesting month for my quest as I finally get to watch them all. Quite a few I have owned for well over a year and just haven't got round to seeing them yet. I hope they work! God, that would be a nightmare!

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