Wednesday 25 September 2013

Days 665 to 668 - Paradise Towers

One thing I forgot to mention in my previous blog entry was the new theme tune and redesigned opening credits. It seems we have reached the early stages of computer graphics as these are what are used to show the TARDIS spinning through space with various asteroids (which look more like balled up pieces of paper) flying past it. Then the Doctor's face materialises into view which has been the tradition of the opening credits ever since the second Doctor except this time the Doctor winks at the camera. He actually winks! Dear lord that's a bit cheesy!

So the Doctor decides to take Mel to Paradise Towers so that she can go for a swim in the pool at the top of the building. However upon arrival the Doctor discovers the towers have fallen into disrepair and the corridors are besieged by gangs as the caretakers try to keep control of the situation. Richard Briers plays the chief caretaker in a very over the top manner, especially in episode four when he is killed and his body is possessed by the "the great architect".

The great architect built Paradise Towers many years ago but took great offence to the fact that people wanted to live in them. Like many of his other projects he didn't actually want humans to "infest them" so he sets about killing them off.

The characters in the story are divided into three distinct groups. There was a great war that the men went off to fight and this has just left the young girls who have divided themselves into gangs known as Kangs, the caretakers in charge of the towers and the "old ones" i.e the older generation. The old ones are for the most part quite normal, apart from two old ladies who for some reason have taken to cannibalism and in a rather disturbing scene try to kill and eat Mel.

This leaves just one man, Pax. A man who should have gone away to fight but instead hid away as he was to afraid and now he is desperate to find a way to prove himself as a hero.

I really enjoyed this story, particularly near the end when the three warring groups were forced to come together to fight the shared threat of the great architect. The seventh Doctor era is shaping up pretty well so far.

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